10 Benefits Of Web Based Applications & Systems
The battle that has been raging between proponents of both web and software development has gone on for awhile now, but with more and more users moving to the cloud, it seems like the web app supporters have the momentum on their side.
The fact is, both web and desktop apps excel in their own particular areas. However, there are some major advantages that are exclusive to an application software development company devoted to creating web based applications and systems. Here are ten of them.
No More Updating Issues
Small businesses are spending a ridiculous amount of time each week on updating software.
Well, they don’t say “ridiculous” exactly but they do report that 11 hours a week is normal. Talk about a waste of productivity. When a desktop software update is rolled out, it needs to be installed on every single machine that the program is found on. Often, this has to be done before any more work collaboration.
That’s a huge reason developers are migrating towards web application development software- they only need to roll out one update to the app, rather than installing it individually on multiple devices.
Less Money, More Power
When it comes to desktop-based custom software application development, consideration has to be given to the power of the machines that will be running. Sometimes a rollout of a demanding new software program can require a complete hardware overhaul too.
That’s a huge expense. However, when web apps are used, they can be used from almost any device with a browser. The computing power is coming from the server, which cuts down on necessary on-site hardware requirements.
Platform Happy
Not only is being able to use a less powerful computer (or tablet) a benefit of web apps, having a different operating system isn’t an issue either. It’s all about the browser. Whether the user is on Windows XP or 10, Mac OS or Linux, the web app is built for the browser.
True, some browsers don’t play nice with others. However, It’s generally much easier to code for different browsers than it is for different operating systems. On top of that, the interface will usually be much more familiar to the user.
Quick Development Cycles
Every developer has their preferred language, no matter where they are. Whether they handle software development in Perth like Red Rock Software or across the globe, some people just work better in certain languages.
In general, though, web based languages like HTML, Javascript, and CSS are easier to code in and develop quicker results- and that’s what is used in order to build the majority of web apps. On top of that, there are even frameworks in place to make the job even easier.
Improved Security
The SC Magazine survey mentioned before also brings up another point. Workers aren’t updating software due to productivity: 60% of the businesses they surveyed are not always up to date when it comes to their software. The biggest problem that this leads to is security.
Updates are often released to programs just to patch security holes and not just to fix bugs. The problem is, if the updates never take place, the holes never get patched and the computers are still vulnerable.
The Flexibility of the Internet
The desk and chair aren’t the same as they used to be. The office isn’t either. Web apps offer the flexibility of access wherever there is internet. Employees aren’t chained to their desks like they once were.
According to a study by Global Workplace Analytics, employees of Fortune 1000 companies around the world are not at their desk 50-60% of the time. With web apps, they can have access to the office from anywhere.
In a perfect world, users would never need to access support. Every program on every computer would just work perfectly and every user is perfectly knowledgeable. Of course, that’s not the case.
Luckily, the old saying that there is always someone smarter out there can work to our advantage. Many web apps have built in community support already accessible online. This allows for the quicker resolution of issues, because the chances of somebody else having the same problem that has already been fixed are pretty good.
Higher Usage Rates
People are spending less time browsing on the internet and more time using apps connected to the web. A study from Flurry Analytics shows that apps are taking control of 86% of the time that users are spending on their phones. With web apps, users just log on and use it. They don’t have to worry about downloading and installing, hoping that it works. It’s instant use.
User Tracking
With web apps, there is built-in user tracking. This makes it much easier to figure out what works with built programs and what doesn’t. Then, it makes improving future versions more simple. Of course, we already talked about the ease of updating web programs, so developers can make sure that their improvements are actually being utilised.
Offline Use
Although being able to be used online is a huge advantage, some people are concerned about the necessity of being connected to the internet. In fact, just because it’s a web app doesn’t mean it has to be used online. Offline versions can be built just as easily, although some of the advantages are lost, this does eliminate a certain drawback.